About the SCAC
The mission of the South County Advisory Council ("SCAC") is to provide a forum for citizen involvement and information on issues which affect the greater part of the Nipomo Community. The SCAC seeks to achieve sound community planning and development of the Nipomo and Nipomo Mesa area through consideration of social, technological, environmental and political impacts and to advocate measures to promote a safe environment for our citizens and visitors.
SCAC Officers
- Chair -- Darrell Sisk
- Vice Chair -- Stephen Vines
- Treasurer -- Gary Spelbring
- Recording Secretary -- Rose Kaye
- Correspondence Secretary -- Richard Wright
- Past Chairperson -- Jerry Bridge
Members of the Board
The Board of Directors consists of two representatives each from the seven geographic areas (Areas 1 through Areas 7) of the SCAC, and two special interest representatives. There are also two (2) Ex Officio (non-voting) members.
Geographic Areas 1-4 are bounded by:
- Area 1 -- All of the community within the Nipomo Urban Reserve Line and east of the 101 Freeway.
- Area 2 -- All of the community within the Nipomo Urban Reserve Line, west of the 101 Freeway, and north of West Tefft.
- Area 3 -- All of the community within the Nipomo Urban Reserve Line, west of the 101 Freeway, south of West Tefft and east of Orchard.
- Area 4 -- All of the community within the Nipomo Urban Reserve Line, west of the 101 Freeway, south of West Tefft and west of Orchard.
Geographic Areas 5-7 are within:
- Area 5 -- Outside the Nipomo Urban Reserve Line, north of Willow Road, west of Pomeroy Road and south of Los Berros Road.
- Area 6 -- Outside the Nipomo Urban Reserve Line, south of Willow Road, west of Pomeroy Road and north of Division Street.
- Area 7 -- The area east of Pomeroy, north of Los Berros and south of Division. No part of Area 7 is within the Urban Reserve Line.
- The special interest representatives are for Agriculture and Public Safety.
Geographical Representatives
- Area 1 -- Vacant | Vacant
- Area 2 -- Harry Walls | Robert Wachsmuth
- Area 3 -- Darrell Sisk | Rusty Hobbs
- Area 4 -- Tom Girard | Rose Kaye
- Area 5 -- Jerry Bridge | Carmen Morales-Board
- Area 6 -- Gary Spelbring | Stephen Vines
- Area 7 -- Vacant | Vacant
Special Interest Representatives
- Public Safety -- Richard Wright
- Agriculture -- Patricia Duron
Ex-Officio Representatives
- Lucia Mar Unified School District -- Vacant
- Nipomo Community Service District -- Vacant
What is an Advisory Council?
In 1996, the County of San Luis Obispo Board of Supervisors adopted Resolution No. 96-485 establishing criteria for board-recognized community advisory councils. The resolution states that Community Advisory Councils must meet five criteria to be recognized by the Board of Supervisors:
- A community advisory council must be based in and represent a defined community within an established Urban or Village Reserve Line, which can include representatives from outlying or surrounding unincorporated areas associated with the community.
- Community advisory council membership should reflect a broad cross-section of the community
- Advisory council meetings should occur regularly and be publicly noticed in a timely manner, and be open to all members of the public.
- Advisory council bylaws should be established and maintained which direct the organization and protocol of the council. These should include a statement of purpose, the rules of order, frequency of meetings and method of appointment of subcommittees, and appointment or election of members.
- Recommendations made by the Community Advisory Council and forwarded to the Board of Supervisors or Planning Commission should be arrived at by a majority vote of a quorum of the membership, with as much public input as is feasible.
SCAC Contact Information
South County Advisory Council
PO Box 2355
Nipomo, California 93444